Critical Lower Limb Ischemia
Principles and Practice 
R. Bartolucci, L. Battaglia, V. D'Andrea, E. De Antoni

Preface - Contributors - Contents

Part 1 - History and epidemiology
C. 1 - Historical notes
C. 2 - Epidemiology of Peripheral Vascular Disease

Part 2 - Definition, terminology, pathophysiology and hemodynamical aspects
C. 3 - Definition and Terminology
C. 4 - Pathophysiology and Hemodynamical Aspects

Part 3 - Anatomy and surgical approaches
C. 5 - Anatomy of the Arteries of the Lower Limbs
C. 6 - Anatomy of the Veins of the Lower Limbs
C. 7 - Standard Surgical Approaches  to the Arteries of the Lower Limbs
C. 8 - Nonstandard Surgical Approaches  to the Arteries of the Lower Limbs

Part 4 - Assessment
C. 9 - Noninvasive Assessment of Critical Leg Ischemia
C. 10 - Peripheral Blood Flow Rates and Microvascular Responses to Orthostatic Pressure Changes Before and After Revascularization
C. 11 - Vascular Imaging of Peripheral Vessel Ischemia in the Year 2002 

Part 5 - Medical and gene therapy
C. 12 - Chronic Critical Limb Ischemia: Medical Treatment
C. 13 - Gene Therapy for Peripheral Arterial Disease 

Part 6 - Interventional treatments
C. 14 -  Endovascular and Other Minimally Invasive Treatment Modalities for Aorto Occlusive Diseases
C. 15 - Intra-arterial Thrombolitic Therapy for Lower Limb Ischemia
C. 16 -  Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty for Critical Limb Ischemia
C. 17 - Mehanical Thrombectomy and Atherectomy Procedures 

Part 7 - Surgical treatments
C. 18 - Aortoiliofemoral Reconstructions in the Management of Arterial Occlusive Disease
C. 19 - Surgery of the Profunda Femoris Artery
C. 20 - Extra-anatomic Bypass Surgery in Critical Lower Limb Ischemia
C. 21 - Femoropopliteal Occlusive  Disease
C. 22 - Patency of Infrainguinal Bypass Grafts with Distal Venous Adjuncts
C. 23 - Complementary Distal Arteriovenous Fistula Combined and Deep Vein Interposition: A Technique to Improve Infrapolpliteal Prosthetic Bypass Patency
C. 24 - The Bridge Graft
C. 25 -  The Use of Arm Vein in Lower Extremity Revascularization
C. 26 - Reoperative approaches For Failed Infrainguinal Arterial Bypasses 

Part 8 - Popliteal aneurysm and polpliteal vascular entrapment
C. 27 - Critical Ischemia of the Lower Limb Associated with Popliteal Artery Aneurysms
C. 28 - Popliteal Vascular Entrapment And Critical Limb Ischemia

Part 9 - Alternative treatments
C. 29 - Lumbar Sympathectomy in Critical Limb Ischemia
C. 30 - Spinal Cord Stimulation in Critical Limb Ischemia

Part 10 - Factor influencing results
C. 31 - Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients With Critical Leg Ischemia
C. 32 - Perioperative Specific Complication in Aortoiliofemoral Reconstruction
C. 33 - Late Complications in Aortoiliofemoral Surgery for Arterial Occlusive Disease
C. 34 - Intraoperative Determinants of Infrainguinal Bypass Graft Patency
C. 35 - Comparative Analysis Between Vein and Prosthetic Bypass Grafts for Surgical Management of Critical Leg Ischemia
C. 36 - Infrapopliteal Bypasses for Critical Lower Limb Ischemia. Influence of Surgical Experience on Outcome
C. 37 - Reperfusion Injury following Surgical Treatment 

Part 11 - Reconstructive procedures, amputations and rehabilitation
C. 38 - The Role of Reconstructive Microsurgery in The Management of Critical Leg Ischemia
C. 39 - Amputation Surgery in the Patient With Vascular Disease
C. 40 - The rehabilitation of Patients with Critical Lower Limbs Ischemia: Principles of Treatment 

Part 12 - Medico-legal problems and new prospects
C. 41 - Evaluation of Medico-Legal Problems in Critical Lower Limb Ischemia
C. 42 - Telemedicine and Critical Lower Limb Ischemia